Shattering the Illusion: The Truth About Motivation

Ashwin B
2 min readAug 2, 2023

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. — Seneca”.

The expression “You need some motivation” is something that you frequently hear whenever you’re feeling down or doing nothing which is the biggest lie that I have heard.

Despite the fact that motivation is frequently portrayed as the secret to success and attaining one’s goals, it is important to understand that motivation by itself cannot result in real and long-lasting changes in our lives.

Motivation is an emotional state that drives us to take action toward a specific goal or objective. It can come from various sources, such as intrinsic desires, external rewards, or the fear of negative consequences. However, the problem with relying solely on motivation is that it is a fleeting and unreliable emotion.

Relying solely on motivation can lead to a dangerous cycle of inaction. When we wait for motivation to strike before taking action, we become passive spectators of our lives. We may fall into the trap of waiting for the “perfect” moment or the right feeling to pursue our goals, which often results in procrastination and missed opportunities.

Instead of solely relying on motivation, we should embrace discipline, commitment, and consistency as the foundations of achieving our goals. Discipline involves developing habits and routines that keep us on track, even when motivation wanes. Commitment is the unwavering dedication to our objectives, reminding us why we started in the first place. Consistency is the steady progress we make by taking small steps every day, regardless of how we feel.

In short, while motivation can be a powerful force at times, it is not a dependable method for long-term success. The idea that we need motivation to achieve our objectives is a misconception that might stifle our growth and potential. Instead, we may overcome difficulties and make steady progress on our path to success by valuing discipline, commitment, and consistency.



Ashwin B

I love the internet, technology and building beautiful things